Twice a month, our local performing arts center hosts a free concert in the early afternoon.
This week it was the Shasta Session Choir. The concert was only 30 minutes long, but they did a great job. The boys especially did well. They sang a little motown & had an interesting dance interpretation. =/
Cyra especially loved it, since she likes to sing.
After the concert, they offered free tours of the facility. I've been there dozens of times, but the kids have only been there a few times. Most recently we saw Handel's Messiah.
We were the only ones who took up the free tour offer. They showed us the dressing rooms, backstage area, art gallery, dance studio & theaters. Ms. Virginia, our tour guide, also gave us the low down on some of the beautiful statues.
Ms. Virginia had LOTS of questions about us weirdos who weren't in school on a Thursday afternoon. "How do you get books? Who tests your kids? Do they have friends? Are they well behaved?" I knew she was worried so I answered all of her questions. By the time we left it was like we were BFFs. Cuz. Ya know. Most of my friends are in their 80's, have perms & smell like pot roast. We hugged it out & the kids said we'd see her again in a few weeks.
Anywho - it was a fun (free) day in our homeschool life.